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Guilt and Shame: The One We Need and the One We Don’t

The impacts of guilt and shame have been a consistent topic in the therapy room. Clients, finding themselves tossed and turned by the waves of these emotions, have reported increased levels of anxiety and depression, the symptoms of which often leads to a paralyzing sense of immovability. The guilt/shame cycle has a cunning way of making our brain fire in...[ read more ]

Celebrating the Season during a Global Pandemic: A Q&A with some of our Spring Tree Team

What types of self-care activities would you recommend to clients during this holiday season in light of the continuation of the pandemic? “I have found that for me and also for my clients, ideas or past habits of self-care abound, but the road blocks to self care right now can look like low energy, a mental load that's past capacity,...[ read more ]

Unbearable Perfection: Beauty’s Potent Role in Healing and Sustaining Us

“You can look now...” I had been anticipating this moment for the last several hours of the drive across Utah —to see the Grand Canyon for the first time. Crossing the parking lot a few minutes earlier, I had decided I would look down until I reached the overlook. Everyone had warned me that there was nothing like it, that...[ read more ]

Racial Trauma: Emergence into Social Consciousness

As we experience a seismic shift in our day to day due to the effects of a pandemic, we are becoming aware that what we are experiencing is a collective trauma. COVID-19 has created a mad dash for safety and resources. And like any response to trauma there is a pattern of initial shock and denial, panic and hypervigilance, and...[ read more ]

From Loss to Lament to Meaning: Coping within Covid

I hesitated, my index finger hovering haltingly over the “Cancel flights” button, the click that would undo six months of joyful, hope-filled anticipation of visiting my brother and his wife before their daughter and first child would be born. I already knew that following my niece’s birth I wouldn’t see them for some time given hospital and health restrictions already...[ read more ]

A Statement on the death of George Floyd

The purpose of this short blog entry is to keep before us as mental health professionals the continued need to remember the wrong that was done, to support the demand for justice, and to help transform ourselves and our communities into places where all people are held in equal regard, where interpersonal respect is the universal expectation. Breath. The first...[ read more ]

Organizing your Stay-at-Home Day

Tears of sadness were heard from my wife’s home office as she pointed to her computer screen. There presented in a grainy and distant image was the wedding of her nephew and his bride. The pair stood alone at the altar, absent were the previously named wedding attendants, a few isolated family members sat the front row of what would...[ read more ]

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1007 Church St, Suite 302,
Evanston, IL 60201
